Category Archives: Windows 8

New API for changing Start screen background image in Windows 10 v10166

Windows 10 Insider Preview v10166 was just recently released for PCs and Phones, together with related SDK.

In this short article I’ll show you how to use new API for changing Desktop/Start screen background image, that is first available in this version.


The API is located in new class UserProfilePersonalizationSettings in the Windows.SystemUserProfile namespace. It has currently only few members:

public sealed class UserProfilePersonalizationSettings : IUserProfilePersonalizationSettings
    public IAsyncOperation<bool> IUserProfilePersonalizationSettings.TrySetLockScreenImageAsync(StorageFile imageFile);
    public IAsyncOperation<bool> IUserProfilePersonalizationSettings.TrySetWallpaperImageAsync(StorageFile imageFile);
    public static bool IsSupported();
    public static UserProfilePersonalizationSettings Current { get; }

For changing the background image you just need to get StorageFile of your image and call TrySetWallpaperImageAsync and that’s all. Complete code sample could look like this. Note I have placed newbg.jpg image in the root folder of my project and set the compile option to Content:

private static async Task ChangeStartWallpaper()
    if (UserProfilePersonalizationSettings.IsSupported())
        StorageFile newBg = await StorageFile.GetFileFromApplicationUriAsync(new Uri("ms-appx:///newbg.jpg"));
        UserProfilePersonalizationSettings ups = UserProfilePersonalizationSettings.Current;
        await ups.TrySetWallpaperImageAsync(newBg);

I’ve tested this API just now and it works both on phone and PC. Strangely it works immediately, no question asked. There should probably be some kind of dialog or settings that only selected app can change these image. I can imagine two apps fighting to change the background images in background tasks.

That’s all for now. I really like this simple new API that will make a great addition to my Windows and Windows Phone apps Astronomy Image of the Day that already can change the lockscreen image with daily astro photo.

How to fix missing Extension SDKs in Windows 10 Universal Apps

When tools for developing Windows 10 Universal Apps were released couple of days ago I started porting one of my apps to find out, what are the changes and possible issues.
First issue I ran into was that I was unable to add Behaviors SDK to my project – the list of Extension SDKs was almost empty:

In Windows/Phone 8.1 project:


In Windows 10 UAP project:


Luckily, there is a workaround, according to Release Notes for the first version of Windows 10 Tools it’s necessary to copy the extension SDKs from the Windows 8.1 Extension SDK location to the universal apps location—that is:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v8.1\ExtensionSDKs
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\UAP\v0.8.0.0\ExtensionSDKs

After restarting Visual Studio 2015 the copied SDKs are then available in the list and you can add it just like before. Done.

#WPdev Quick tip – API for accessing Windows Store from your app

Following the previous WPdev quick tip how to initiate Email Compose from your app, here is another API that developer often need:

  • Navigate to Rate and Review dialog for the current app – if you want to initiate app rating from the current user
  • Navigate to Windows/Phone Store to the currently running app – if you want the user to purchase full version of current app or upgrade to a new version
  • Navigate to Windows/Phone Store to all apps published by the current developer – if you want to encourage the user to download other of your apps

Unfortunately all these tasks require different type of API in Windows Phone 7.5/8/8.1 Silverlight apps, in Windows 8.1 apps and another one in Windows Phone 8.1 WinRT apps and since I needed all these methods in my recent Windows Universal App NASA TV Live, I decided to put it all into short article for future use, so here it is:

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Windows Phone 8.1 SDK, 9 month later, what’s new

The Windows Phone 8.1 SDK was released with a bang at the beginning of April 2014 and the OS update arrived later that year. It brought lot of new to the Windows Phone ecosystem, but also caused a noticeable disarray to the Windows Phone community and to the community of developers as well. Some features in WP8.1 are definitely great and improving, some are just worrisome, and some features in WP8.1 SDK are simply missing, even though they were in WP8.

Let’s take a look on the WP8.1 SDK nine months after the original release, what improvements it brought and also what’s still not there.

In this dev article about Windows Phone 8.1 SDK, 9 month later I’ll summarize in few bullet points the most interesting features of this OS update and especially what’s new for developers.

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File IO Best Practices in Windows and Phone apps – Part 1. Available APIs and File.Exists checking

Working with files is one of the most common tasks when developing any Windows Phone or Windows apps. In this mini-series of articles I’ll show you available APIs in all Windows Phone and Windows versions, caveats when doing task such as checking if specific file exists, getting target file, reading writing data from/to files and also how to effectively extract data from ZIP files, and more.

In the first part of this series I’ll discuss available File IO APIs in Windows Phone 8, 8.1 Silverlight, 8.1 XAML, Windows 8 and 8.1 platforms and benchmark all available methods for testing, if target file in Local Folder exists, or not. To my great surprise, the performance of methods in StorageFolder API is dramatically different across different platforms and it’s not a good idea to use single approach everywhere.

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Xbox 360 Controller API for Windows Store apps

In Windows Store apps for Windows 8.1 there are four basic input methods – touch, mouse, stylus and keyboard. In most of scenarios these input methods are all you need, but in case you want to offer more natural experience for controlling games on Windows 8.1, you can also add support for Xbox 360 and Xbox One controllers.

In this dev article I’ll show you, how to use in any C#/XAML app or game for Windows 8.1 the Xbox 360 Controller API, how to detect presence of such controller and how to poll for current state of all buttons.

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Using Json Design-time data in Windows Store apps

When designing Windows 8.1 apps it’s essential to have design-time data available in some way, so we can actually see how the app will look like.

Iris Class described in this great article, that there are several ways, how to achieve this:

  • Using XAML – Design time data source set in XAML
  • Using a ‘standalone’ data source class – Design time data source set in XAML
  • Conditional data source – Design time data source set in code

But what I missed in this aticle is probably the most interesting way, how to use design-time data in Windows 8 apps – using external Json files. Here’s a short guide, how to do it:

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What to expect from Microsoft in 2014, Part 2. Windows 8.x

In my second article of what to expect from Microsoft in 2014, I have gathered my thoughts on another popular platform – Windows 8 and Windows Store apps. My first article about Windows Phone in 2014 is here.

Just two months ago we’ve received the free Windows 8.1 update to all current Windows 8 installations, codenamed “Blue”, almost exactly one year since the original Windows 8 release. This update fixed lot of quite annoying bugs when developing “Modern apps”, added new tile sizes, various app widths, multi-monitor support, improved the sync between devices, added native SkyDrive integration, brought IE11 and also lof fixes and improvements under the cover. But since then there is no future plan of this platform. I guess it’s quite early to predict any actual development in 2014, but let’s do it anyway…

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Shared localization for Windows Phone 8 and Windows 8 apps using Portable Class Libraries

When developing Windows Phone 8 or Windows 8 app for more wider audience, you need to think about the localization. Unfortunately the localization on each platform uses completely different approach:

On Windows Phone 8:

  • Standard resx files with strings for each language are used.
  • The default language, for instance “en”, has localization in file without any suffix, typically just AppResources.resx.
  • Other languages uses files with culture specific suffix, like, AppResources.cs.resx, etc.
  • For supporting non-default languages it’s required to check the additional languages in WMAppManifest.xml file and in the project settings as well
  • Localization in XAML is done typically via databinding to viewmodel class, that has instance of AppResources class, typically:
  • <TextBlock Text=”{Binding Loc.AppTitle, Source={StaticResource Localization}}“/>
  • in AppResources.resx:   |   AppTitle   |   Hello world!   |
  • For accessing the localized string programatically you can use:
  • string text = AppResources.AppTitle;
  • Globalization and localization for Windows Phone

On Windows 8(.1)

  • Windows 8 uses for localization new file types ending with .resw, but actually they use completely equal structure as WP8 .resx files.
  • Each file must be placed in a separate folder, for instance English localization should be placed in Strings/en/Resources.resw, German localization in Strings/de/Resources.resw
  • There are no automatically generated Designer.cs files for these resw files, but you can create manually ResourceLoader class for returning localized strings.
  • In Windows 8 the localization of Controls in XAML is done differently. Rather than assigning directly values using databinding, you just name each localizable control with x:Uid property and then add entry for localizing such property directly into resw file:
  • <TextBlock x:Uid=”TextBlock1″ Text=”DesignTimeText”/>
  • in AppResources.resw:   |   TextBlock1.Text   |   Hello world!   |
  • For accessing the localized string programatically you can use:
  • ResourceLoader resourceLoader = new ResourceLoader();
    string text = resourceLoader.GetString(“TextBlock1.Text”);
  • Application resources and localization sample (Windows 8.1)

As you can see, the recommended localization uses completely different approach in Windows Phone 8 and Windows 8. Sharing resx files using links, or even copying them or renaming is just not feasible to maintain. Beside these obvious differences, there are even other caveats:

  • Accessing localized strings in Windows 8 projects programatically is really cumbersome and you can make simply error, because you have no direct compile time check, that “TextBlock1.Text” actually exists in the resw file.
  • You cannot share any localized XAML code between Windows Phone 8 and Windows 8, because of the different localization method

Let’s see, how to solve this mess once and for all

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Windows 8 Share Task out-of-sandbox vulnerability

When I was recently developing one Windows 8 app that supports the “Share Contract“, I’ve experienced strange problems when the sharing suddenly stopped working not just in my app, but for all apps launched from my account. I had to log-off and log- in to make it work again. I thought it was just some kind of temporary issue until I discovered that it cause my app. After hour of testing I’ve pinpointed the actual issue and came to conclusion:

Any Windows 8 app running in sandbox can break the Share Contract for ALL other Windows 8 apps running under the same account, until the user logs off and on again!

Here’s the detailed explanation how to do it, it’s quite simple, nothing tricky.

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